Manjummel Boys Review: A Malayalam Survival Thriller and a gripping tale of friendship
“Manjummel Boys” directed and written by Chidambaram emerges as a gripping tale of friendship amidst adversity. Set against the backdrop of a survival thriller, the film shines in its technical brilliance. Shyju Khalid’s adept cinematography, particularly in capturing the cave with long shots, immerses you deeply into the narrative. The realistic production design deserves applause, creating an authentic experience.
While Sushin’s score, though underutilized, manages to send shivers down the spine, the use of Kamal Hassan’s “Kanmani Anbodu Kathalan” song seamlessly integrates with the script. The sound design and casting are spot on, enhancing the overall impact of the film. Chidambaram’s writing is outstanding, intricately weaving together nuances and small details that circle back ingeniously in the second half. Every element in the film serves a purpose, contributing to the cohesive narrative.
The ensemble cast delivers stellar performances, with each boy portraying their characters with authenticity and depth. Soubin Shahir and Sreenath Bhasi particularly stand out, embodying their roles with conviction. The inclusion of flashback scenes adds a psychological layer to the film. While “Manjummel Boys” excels in many aspects, we felt that some big moments in the film could have been enhanced for greater impact. Nevertheless, Based on a true story, “Manjummel Boys” stands out as best film of the year so far. Highly recommended for its gripping storytelling and stellar execution.
Our Rating
Acting – 4.5
Story – 4.5
Direction – 4
Overall – 4.25
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